The word ‘fresh’ has many meanings. But the Indian consumer is very clear in terms of the expectations from brands in terms of freshness. Fresh marketing is something which is extremely well accepted by consumers in India in terms of not only fresh food, not only fresh ideas, not only a fresh look and feeling, not only fresh latest clothes and designs but a general positive attitude towards freshness as an attribute, is widespread amongst consumers in India.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are always sought out by the Indian housewives and it works very well in the interest of the family.
Liril, the soap brand positioned on freshness created a new category many years ago. Infact it made the brand Liril and the Liril girl and the waterfall very famous.
In the service industry whether it be advertising or cinema, fresh ideas are eagerly awaited and can make or break fortunes.
At a party or a social gathering or at a 5 Star Hotel there are quite a few people who checkup whether the fruit juice they are drinking is freshly squeezed or canned.
‘Fresh’ as an element, which is desired, a concept, which is appreciated, and an idea which is contemporary has always remained everfresh. Even while traveling and visiting a small restaurant consumers ask as to what is freshly prepared or freshly baked.
So what does all this imply for brand marketeers? What are the opportunities available for segmentation and positioning in brand building, across categories? Well, to my mind the opportunities are plenty and brand marketeers must use the ‘fresh’ opportunities to their advantage.
Whether it be a disposable need or a brand of tissues called the Fresh Ones or something that refreshes you and make you fresh – all these are touching our lives day in and day out, clearly indicating that the positive meaning of being fresh (not acting fresh) is very significant and important to an Indian, in his or her daily life.
In my opinion, culturally, socially and psychologically we look forward to fresh things, including sometimes, a fresh face in a T.V commercial or a movie or a tele serial. Hence, a lot of Brand Marketeers have successfully used the desire for freshness to their advantage. This specific attribute gives life a fresh new meaning and therefore is very vibrant and helps in rejuvenation.
Brand Marketeers must present their offering, whether a product or a service, keeping in mind that in most product and service categories, freshness is appreciated. Yes, wine could be one of the exceptions. Otherwise in most cases Indians always look forward to a fresh new day in our life.
The fresh feeling is spreading out well, with a new cream brand being launched called “After Bath”. Infact it promises a ‘fresh new look’ and also capitalizes on the freshness of a fresh new day.
Many opportunities are now available to brand marketeers to develop brands on the ‘fresh’ platform, there is the good case of ‘Taaza’ in the hot beverage category bringing out stimulation and ‘Taazgi’ (freshness) to the consumer which is reflected in the TV campaign.
The fresh element in 2006 is the new breed of young consumers who look for something latest fresh, trendy and contemporary. This opportunity would grow in the next few years.
The categories which are suited for the freshness appeal cannot be restricted. This means that the word ‘fresh’ has an universal appeal cutting across geographical boundaries or languages or product and service categories. There is a certain element of buoyancy which is reflected in the term ‘fresh’ and hence brand marketeers must leverage this platform as long as no one else has already occupied it in that competitive category.
I would strongly recommend the following :
Firstly look at the category need and search for need gaps, which could be amendable to the ‘fresh’ positioning.
Secondly evaluate the product or service portfolio and see attributes, which could be highlighted on the ‘fresh’ platform.
Thirdly, look at ‘fresh’ new ways of attracting consumers to a fresh brand or a fresh T.V commercial or fresh packaging or form or a fresh application for an old product. Milkmaid has done it wonderfully well through new applications as well as through new forms.
Finally, find out ‘fresh’ new meanings in the changing expectations of consumers and try to address them through fresh new solutions.
In India, consumers are looking for a fresh experience whether it be a brand of product or service or fresh air or fresh flowers or a fresh cup of coffee so that they can move ahead and have a fresh start for every new say.
The ‘fresh’ brand marketing experience is something that every Indian consumer is eagerly waiting for. What are you, as a brand marketeer, waiting for ?
Copyright © 2006, All rights reserved with Jagdeep Kapoor – Managing Director, Samsika Marketing Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
No part of this document may be modified, reproduced, stored, deleted or introduced in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording or Otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner of the document.
The author is Jagdeep Kapoor, Brand Guru and Managing Director of the successful Samsika Marketing Consultancy.
Tel: (022) 28477700/7701 (022) 28470214/15
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E-mail : jkapoor@samsika.com

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